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 La mort de "Muhammed Hussan"

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La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mort de "Muhammed Hussan"   La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 EmptyVen 5 Aoû à 1:17

La dimension terroriste, il l'a acquise à SD après le draft.
A RAWc'était juste un anti américain qui disait tout haut certains vérités que certains minorités pensaient tout bas. Tout en forcissant le trait bien sûr mais il n'y avait pas encore cette douteuse connotation. Ils l'auraient gardé tel quel (et n'auraient pas eu cette idée plus que déplacée d'avoir fait prendre à Daivari cette grotesque position du martyr) que en dépit de l'actualité internationale, ça aurait pu continuer à marcher.

La WWE a totalement manqué de subtilité et c'est Hassan qui en paye les frais. Evil or Very Mad
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La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mort de "Muhammed Hussan"   La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 EmptyVen 5 Aoû à 14:38

Deux choses:

- arrêtez de penser qu'Hassan a été viré. Un gars qui a suscité autant de heat dans les médias, même ceux qui traitent pas de catch, ne sera jamais viré par Vince... Au contraire, il va être chouchouté pour un retour cuit aux petits oignons, c'est obligé.

- secondo, plus on parle de quelque chose, plus c'est un succès dans le catch, et donc, perso je trouve que la WWE a magnifiquement joué le coup avec Hassan et Daivari le martyr. Car bon, comme je l'ai déjà posté je sais plus où, je comprend pas pourquoi tout le monde crie au scandale pour Hassan, alors que des films où des terroristes prennent des otages et font sauter des bombes continuent et continueront toujours à sortir au cinéma. Le catch est un divertissement. Le cinéma aussi.
Comme le disait Daivari sur son site web: les gens le critiquent lui et Hassan parce qu'ils jouent le rôle d'arabes (Daivari est perse/iranien), alors qu'ils ne le sont pas, mais personne ne va faire chier Hale Berry qui joue le rôle d'une mutante dans XMen, alors que c'est une humaine ordinaire en vrai...
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La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mort de "Muhammed Hussan"   La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 EmptyMar 9 Aoû à 23:01

Pour en revenir à ce sujet, sur l'excellent Obsessed with Wrestling, il y a pas mal de mails de fans concernant Hassan ( sur cette page ).

Je vous copie colle le plus intéressant, qui contient la traduction de ce qu'a dit daivari en Farsi durant la promo online d'Hassan sur

Citation :

Muhammad Hassan - True American -- by William Gossett []
With the apparent "killing" of the character at the Great American Bash, there has been a large outcry from the Internet Wrestling Community. Whether your stance on the subject be Pro- or Anti-Hassan, please hear me out.

Since his promo debut back in December, when he was very much a neutral character, he was booed by audiences simple because he was of Arab descent. Daivari himself stated that it wasn't known whether he and Hassan were going to be face or heel, and that it depended on the reaction of the crowd during the vignettes. This alone shows the prejudices of the majority of America.

When Hassan and Daivari had the debate against J.R. and King, J.R. said that, in reference to America, "Love it or leave it.". Of course, the crowd cheered this, even though it was a very Dictator-ish statement, and even though Hassan brought up valid and true points about why he had been denouncing America, he was booed.

Fast forward to about a month ago, during the Smackdown taping where the masked men attacked the Undertaker. At the time, there was a very small disturbance in the IWC by people who were worried about the angle. Unfortunetly, the morning this Smackdown was to air, there was an attack on London. Understandably, people were upset that there was something that was somewhat representing a terrorist attack on Smackdown. This is when things got out of hand.

It would be one thing if WWE springed this on the nation with no warning, but all throughout the night, there were warnings running across the screen saying, in effect, that due to the day's bombings in London, those who were sensitive about the issue should be weary of the night's episode. They showed the segment with the masked men attacking Undertaker and carrying out Daivari, and the next day, the media coverage was enormous.

An article by a certain Don Kaplan was used during an online promo Hassan did the week after the attack. In this article, Mr. Kaplan accused Hassan himself of being a terrorist, which Hassan had always been strictly against. Also, he called the masked men Arabs, even though they had ski masks on. Several others, in the media or not, also made this connection, again showing the prejudice of America. Amusingly enough, the men who played the masked men were WWE star Val Venis and four other muscular caucasians.

In the online promo, Daivari said something which was much more impactful than what Hassan said, although he said it in Farsi. Daivari said,"For everyone who watched last week on the TV you saw me get picked up from the ground and go to the back. But you thought the hands on me were Arab hands. You don't even know, but when you hear that the masked men were Arabs, you believe it. We are Arab (points to himself and Hassan) so therefore you think we are bad people. But please, for only one time, one minute, ONE SECOND just listen to the words of me and Muhammad and you will understand we are American and we are from America. And then you will then understand what they wrote on the New York Times was wrong."

In the end, the pressure from UPN caused WWE to try and find a way to remove Hassan from Smackdown. That way was the incident at the Great American Bash. For those who don't know, Hassan was given the Last Ride (literally and figuratively) through the Great American Bash stage.

The ban UPN has placed on the character "Muhammad Hassan" only further proves his point. Had JBL or Kurt Angle called on five masked men to attack somebody, there wouldn't be a peep in the media, but because simply because Hassan is of Arab descent, it's wrong. Though, if looked at from a truely logical perspective, it is not Hassan and the WWE who were in the wrong, but America.

Alors bref, avec la suite de l'histoire Matt Hardy, ça serait cool que Vinbce aille un peu checker le net au sujet d'Hassan.
Muhammad me manque de plus en plus.
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La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mort de "Muhammed Hussan"   La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 EmptyMer 10 Aoû à 0:11

Je viens de recevoir un MP de Shank (? connais pas ?) qui me demande de traduire le texte

Citation :
Muhammad Hassan - Vrai Americain -- par William Gossett

Avec l'apparent tuant de le caractère chez le Grand Américain Bache, il y a été une large dehors-pleure de le Internet Luttant Communauté. Peut être que ta tance sur le sujet être pro ou anti-hassan, steuplé entends moi dehors

Depuis son promo début derrière dans Décembre, quand il était très beaucoup un caractère neutre, il était boué par des audiences simple parce que il était une descente arabe. Daivari lui-même étatait que c'était pas connu si lui et Hassan allait allant à être face ou pointure ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ**************************[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

Merde, mon traducteur vient de tomber en panne, je continuerai dès qu'il sera réparé, désolé

habla blabla ?
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La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mort de "Muhammed Hussan"   La mort de "Muhammed Hussan" - Page 2 EmptyMer 10 Aoû à 9:37

Shank ?? Shank !!

mais c'est pas le Daivari de TVD ça ?

ne parlons pas trop de lui ici car il se pourrait qu'il rapplique vite fait et on se doit d'éviter les feuds stériles !!

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